My baby sister with Autism teaches me Everything I need to know…

Gabbers Autism Sibling Chatter ! Sibling to a sister with Autism!

My Sissy is Turning 4 November 14, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joy Falahee @ 5:35 pm

Dear Sissy,

Someday you will read this and know how much I love you!

Mommy and I were working on a special project together and she wanted me to break all the letters down in the word Autism and give each letter a cool word that describes you to us! I got to do the letters A, T, S and mommy picked U and M! This really is the definition of Autism to me.














“Celebrate Siblings of Special Needs Families!”


My 2011 Top 25 Sensory Activities List I Love doing with My Sister! November 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — Joy Falahee @ 5:38 pm

  1. Hopscotch (we use my mom’s pillows and lay out the hopscotch patter) it is super fun and more hard to keep your balance
  2. Stuffed animal catch
  3. Karate Kicks
  4. Favorite Color Yelling Leg Lifts
  5. Make Tents with as many blankets as possible
  6. Tire Swing
  7. pick flowers and put them in a ziploc bag and mix the smells and colors together using a rolling pin.
  8. Roller Skate on the sidewalk
  9. Q-Tip Art Painting
  10. Mix Paint Colors in dixie cups
  11. Crush in our can Crusher
  12. Paint Nails and put stickers on our nails
  13. Play makeup
  14. Washing our Dog (our dog feels really funny wet)
  15. Nature Hunt (usually my sister comes back with super interesting stuff)
  16. Lick lemon and Lime pieces
  17. practice chewing gum and not swallowing it
  18. Make hairbows and put them on our dog
  19. blow glitter off our hands
  20. Blow gently on each other’s faces see who can blow the longest with crazy straws
  21. wash our bikes and scooters
  22. Squeeze lemons, limes, and oranges in big cups and make juice
  23. blow up balloons (or atleast try to)
  24. Cut pictures out of magazines and make a fashion book
  25. take pictures of each other and put them on the computer